

Navattic offers demo and visitor-level engagement insights via the Analytics and Visitors tabs. Additionally, within each Product Demo, users can access Flow completion rates under the Activity tab. To send Navattic data to another platform or your marketing website, visit Integrations.

Analyze: Product Demo Visitors and Completions

The Analyze tab for each demo contains this specific demo's Visitors and Step completion rates. Click into a Visitor to view details about their form submissions and the actions they have taken throughout your demo and examine which steps visitors are dropping off at under Step breakdown.

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If you identify a step with greater drop-off than others:

  • Investigate the appearance of the step: Could customers be confused by the text or other elements at this step?
  • Consider adding a CTA before this step to engage viewers before they exit the demo
  • Let us know - our team is happy to provide tailored guidance for your demo!

Analytics Dashboard

Navatic Analytics Dashboard
Navatic Analytics Dashboard

The Analytics view summarizes trends in visitor engagement within your demos. Use this to identify changes over time that may correspond with marketing initiatives. For example, did your click-through rate increase singificantly due to a seasonal campaign?

Use Filters to see the following metrics for a particular Product Demo or Timeframe.



Unique visitors

The total number of visitors to step 1 of your demo

Engaged visitors

Unique visitors who advance 1+ steps in your demo

CTA clicks

The total number of visitor engagments with a CTA in your demo (we recommend adding CTAs at these conversion points)

Time spent per session

How long the average user spends on a browser tab containing your demo

Click-through rate

The % of Engaged Visitors who click a CTA during your demo

Steps viewed

The total number of demo steps viewed across your workspace

Compare Product Demo Analytics

To compare the Analytics of two Product Demos, visit Analytics > Compare > Product demos > Select demo 1 and Select demo 2. You can also adjust the time period you would like to view using the calendar drop down. One of your demos will have a blue dot and one will have a gray dot next to the title which is the graph key.

View Highest Performing Demos

To identify your highest-performing demos in Analytics, visit the Analytics tab and select Compare > Highest Performing Demos from the dropdown menu to view your top five demos for each section.

Visitor Data and CSV Exports

The Visitors tab within Navattic contains a full list of all users who have engaged with your demos. Identified visitors will include their name and email (if provided via a Navattic form or query strings); anonymous visitors will be assigned an unique ID that is tied to their browser profile.

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Engagement Details for each visitor includes all the demos they have engaged with. Visitors who viewed multiple demos or conducted multiple sessions will have all their information consolidated here.

Conversion Events indicate that a visitor "Navigated to URL", or clicked a CTA that redirected them outside of your demo.

From the Visitors tab, you can also:

  • Filter Visitors by Engagement, Demos, Flows, or Emails (if using Forms).
  • Export a .CSV file of your 5,000 most-recent visitors. For Visitors who have completed multiple Flows, Navattic will export the most-recently completed Flow or Demo to avoid creating duplicate records.

Tip: Explore our Integrations to send Visitor data to other tools like Slack, Salesforce, Hubspot, Marketo, and more.

Analytics FAQs

First, add a "Mark as Converted" click action to the primary CTA button in your demo. Next, visit your Navattic Workspace > Visitors > Filters > Events: Converted. If you only want to see converted Visitors for a specific demo, you can also add a Product Demo Filter.

From your Visitors tab, Filter by your Product Demo name to see only the Visitors who have engaged with this Demo.

There are several ways to separate engagement data if you are using the same demo in multiple places. Our recommendation is to create different share links for your product demo and to view the /path in your CSV export.

Form-gated demos may see a higher % of conversion events, as viewers who complete a Form are oftentimes higher-intent. However, we have found ungated demos had about on average 12% higher completion and 5% higher engagement rates.

If your demo is embedded as an iFrame on a high-traffic landing page and does not include a third-party form, each website visitor is "loading" the first step of your demo. In this case, Step 1 views represent each time your webpage has been loaded and may include users who do not click into your demo; for ungated embedded demos, Step 2 views would provide a better representation for how many users have interacted with each Demo.

Within the Product Demo page, each step view represents a time that page has been loaded. If a user refreshes a particular step of your demo, this will count this as two views. If present, this discrepancy is usually small.

To track UTMs for Visitors to an embedded demo, add your UTMs to the end of the src link in your Navattic Website Embed code (the highlighted section below). Note that Navattic does not pull UTMs from the top frame of the page for embedded demos.

To ensure visitors enter their work email in a Navattic form, navigate to the Form > Select Email > form field to open the settings > toggle on Require work email.