


Once you have created Flows and Checklists, it's time to Publish and Share your demo! This generates a demo share link and website embed code. Sharing your demo will begin gathering viewer data that can be sent to other platforms via Integrations.

This section covers the various adjustments you can make to ensure your demo appears well for visitors.

Sharing Options

Navattic demos may be shared with your end users via a direct link or a website embed.

Share Links

Once you publish your demo, a share link will be generated. You can access this link under the title of your demo or by visiting your Demo > Share > Share links. Sharing a direct link to your demo ensures that users experience a full-screen demo of your product.

To generate a new Share Link, visit your Demo > Share > Share links. Add a name and keep or customize the link. When creating links, you may add password protection, expiration dates, and/or personalization to specific links.

Simply copy and paste your desired link to share this demo with others.

Receive Email Notifications

Toggle on Email notifications when creating a link to receive an email when a visitor visits the share link. If you haven't already set up the Email integration, click Connect when you see the following pop-up.

Visit Playbooks to learn how to setup routing rules to email specific sales reps when companies matching their ICP view your demos.

Connect email integration
Connect email integration

Set a link as the primary share URL

If you create more than one share link per demo, you can choose which link to set as the primary share link by going to the Demo > Share Links > click the three dots next to the share link > set as primary. This will update the link underneath the Demo's title.

Website Embed

Document image

Product Demos can be added as an embedded as an Inline Frame (iFrame) within a webpage, a Full page, or a Pop up. To access a Product Demo's embed code, visit your Demo > Embed > Select an option > Get embed code.

You will notice that the embed code under Embed Events includes a Javascript snippet. This particular section of the embed code allows your website containing the Navattic iFrame to track events that occur within the iframe. Visit Embed Events to learn more about website event tracking and to see the exact data that is sent from the Navattic iFrame.

If you don't want to track events, use the shorter HTML code at the top of the page.

1. Inline embed

From here, you may select an inline option (this determined the outer dimensions of your embedded demo) and copy/paste this embed code into your website builder. Below are two examples of demos using the Inline embed option on a landing page.

1.1 Inline Options

These options determine the outer dimensions of your embedded demo.

Inline Options



This is the default setting for the inline embed code. Responsive sizing will adjust the iFrame size based on the width of the parent element by creating an intrinsic ratio that scales on a viewer's device.

Fixed dimension

A fixed embed will generate an iFrame snippet with a set width and height in pixels. This can be adjusted and works well when your user's device is predetermined (ex. users are interacting with iPads at a conference).

Fixed aspect ratio

A fixed aspect ratio embed will generate an iFrame snippet with a set width to height aspect ratio. This option is more flexible than the fixed dimension code but is not completely responsive. This can be a good option if you do not have a website team.

2. Full page embed

A full page embed will cover the entire viewport to provide the largest possible view of your product tour. This will be a similar end user experience as sharing your demo link directly. However, notice in the examples below that the URL does not contain Embedding your demo allows you to use Embed Events to send demo data to the landing page hosted on your domain.

3. Pop up embed

You can embed your demo as a lightbox pop-up directly from Navattic. To embed a pop-up, visit your demo > Embed > Pop up > Get embed code.

Customizations: Lazy Load Overlay

When the lazy load overlay toggle is selected for an embedded interactive demo, an overlay will appear overtop of the demo frame. This can be helpful to improve page load times, reduce load traffic to the demo, or provide better guidance on how to engage with the interactive demo.

The default background image (the first capture in the Product Demo) as well as the call to action to launch the interactive demo can be adjusted by updating the embed code.

Lazy load overlay added to a full screen embed
Lazy load overlay added to a full screen embed

Outbound email

Create an email template that will include a screenshot as well as a link to the demo. To create an Outbound email visit Share > Outbound email > type the message as well as the linked text. Then, click Copy template and paste it directly into an email.

Social Media

Share the demo directly to LinkedIn or Twitter by clicking Share > Social media.

Review site embed

Social share settings

Adjust how your link appers in social previews under Share > Social share settings.