Playbooks Logs
Message | Description |
Running action | Playbook action has started running |
Initiating [X] actions | Playbook was triggered and the actions associated with it have been deployed (not necessarily started yet). |
Playbook has been initiated | Playbook was deployed (not necessarily started yet) |
Contact synced successfully | HubSpot contact finished syncing successfully. |
Timeline events ([X]) sent successfully | Timeline events were successfully created for the HubSpot contact corresponding to the session |
Company synced successfully | Action for syncing the company completed successfully |
Successfully synced contact to Marketo cookie | Marketo cookie was found for visitor and was successfully synced to the Marketo program |
Successfully synced Pardot prospect | Sync prospect to Pardot was completed successfully. |
Successfully synced lead/contact in Salesforce | Syncing Salesforce lead/contact completed successfully. |
Successfully synced Salesforce account | Syncing Salesforce account completed successfully. |
Successfully sent event to Segment | The session event was successfully sent to Segment. |
Successfully sent Slack message | The session event was successfully sent to Segment. |
Successfully sent event to webhook | The session event was successfully sent to the Webhook. |
Did not run because the company did not match the audience | Company playbook was triggered by a session, but the session did not match the audience. |
Did not run because the visitor did not match the audience | Visitor playbook was triggered by a session, but the session did not match the audience |
Did not run because email and HubSpot cookie were missing for visitor | Sync contact or timeline events was triggered for HubSpot, but the session does not have an email or a HubSpot cookie associated with it, so a contact could not be found or created |
Did not run because contact does not already exist in HubSpot | HubSpot sync contact action was triggered with update only sync mode, but the contact does not already exist in HubSpot, so there is nothing to update |
Did not run because there are no company field mappings specified | Company sync action was run, but the integration configuration does not specify any field mappings, so there is nothing to do |
Did not run because domain could not be found for the company | Company sync action was run, but there is no company domain associated with the company, so syncing cannot be done. |
Did not run because company does not already exist in HubSpot | HubSpot sync company action was triggered with update only sync mode, but the company does not already exist in HubSpot, so there is nothing to update |
Did not run because email could not be found | Sync visitor was triggered for Marketo/Pardot/Salesforce/Slack, but the session does not have an email associated with it, so syncing cannot be done. |
Did not run because visitor does not exist in Marketo program | Sync Marketo visitor action was run with update only sync mode, but the visitor does not already exist in the Marketo program, so there is nothing to update. |
Did not run because prospect does not already exist in Pardot | Sync Pardot visitor action was run with update only sync mode, but the visitor does not already exist in the Pardot instance, so there is nothing to update. |
Did not run because lead/contact does not already exist in Salesforce | Sync Salesforce lead/contact was run with update only sync mode, but the lead/contact was not found in the Salesforce instance, so there is nothing to update. |
Did not run because company name could not be found | Sync Salesforce account was run, but a company name was not found associated with the session which is required for Salesforce account matching, so syncing cannot be done. |
Did not run because account does not already exist in Salesforce | Sync Salesforce account action was run with update only sync mode, but there was no matching account found in the Salesforce instance, so there is nothing to update. |
Did not run because this is not the first session for this visitor | "Only first session" is enabled for this playbook action, and it has already been run for this visitor, so it should not be run again. |
Did not run because this is not the first session for this visitor | "Only first session" is enabled for this playbook action, and it has already been run for this visitor, so it should not be run again. |
Did not run because this is not the first session for this company | "Only first session" is enabled for this playbook action, and it has already been run for this company, so it should not be run again. |
Did not run because company account could not be found | Slack account notification action was triggered, but no company was associated with the session, so no notification is sent. |
Message | Description |
Playbook was run but is not active | Playbook was triggered but it is not set as active. |
Playbook company audience was not found | Company audience associated with playbook was not found in the workspace. |
Playbook visitor audience was not found | Visitor audience associated with playbook was not found in the workspace. |
Workspace does not have Account-Based Engagement enabled | Account playbook was triggered to run, but the workspace does not have access to ABE. |
Playbook does not have an audience set | Playbook was triggered to run, but does not have an audience saved with it. |
Unexpected error encountered when running playbook | Sorry, we don't know what went wrong, but we are investigating! |
Failed to initialize HubSpot client | Could not connect to the workspace's HubSpot instance. |
Failed to update contact | Something went wrong when updating the HubSpot contact. |
Failed to upsert contact | Something went wrong when upserting the HubSpot contact. |
Invalid sync mode | An unsupported sync mode was provided to a sync playbook action. |
Failed to send timeline events | Something went wrong when creating HubSpot timeline events. |
Failed to update company | Something went wrong while trying to update the company. |
Failed to upsert company | Something went wrong while trying to upsert the company. |
Failed to get Marketo program | Could not find the Marketo program associated with the playbook action. |
Failed to check if visitor exists in Marketo program | Something went wrong while checking if the visitor already exists in the Marketo program. |
Failed to sync visitor to Marketo program | Something went wrong while syncing the visitor to the Marketo program. |
Found cookie but failed to sync contact with cookie | Marketo cookie was found for the session, but something went wrong when syncing the session to the Marketo program. |
This playbook action is not yet supported | An unsupported playbook action was triggered. |
Failed while checking for existing Salesforce lead/contact | Sync Salesforce lead/contact action was run with update only sync mode, but something went wrong while checking the Salesforce instance for an existing lead/contact. |
Failed while updating existing Salesforce lead/contact | Something went wrong while updating the Salesforce lead/contact. |
Failed to upsert Salesforce account | Something went wrong while upserting the account in Salesforce. |
Failed while creating new Salesforce lead/contact | Something went wrong while creating a new Salesforce lead/contact. |
Failed while checking for existing Salesforce account | Sync Salesforce account was run with update only sync mode, but something went wrong while checking for a matching account in the Salesforce instance. |
Failed to update Salesforce account | Something went wrong while updating the account in the Salesforce instance. |
Failed to send event to Segment | Something went wrong while sending the event to Segment. |
Failed to send Slack message | Something went wrong while sending the message to the Slack channel. |
Failed to send event to webhook | Something went wrong while sending the event to Webhook. |